Airy-Shaw, H. K.   1939.   Notes on the nomenclature of certain Rutaceae-Aurantioideae.   Kew Bul. Misc. Inform. 1939:290-93.

Andrews, J., and W. H. Maze.   1933.   Some climatological aspects of aridity in their application to Australia.   Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales Proc. 58:105-20.

Armentano, L., A. Bensáth, T. Béres, S. Rusznyák, and A. Szent-Györgi.   1936.   Ueber den Einfluss von Substanzen der Flavongruppe auf die Permeabilität der Kapillaren (Vitamin P).   Deut. Med Wochenschr. 62:1325-28.

Bacchi, O.   1940.   Observaçóes citólogicas em citrus. I. Número de cromosômios de algumas espécies e variedades.   Jorn. Agron. [Piracicaba] 3:249-58.

Bailey, F. M.   1889.   Botany of the Bellenden-Ker Expedition.   In: Meston, Archibald. Report of the Government scientific expedition to Bellenden-Ker range upon the flora and fauna of that part of the colony.   Queens. Dept. Agr., Brisbane.   127 pp.   (See specifically: pp. 29-80.)

——   1895a.   Citrus inodora.   Queens. Acclimatisation Soc. Trans. 1:194.   (Also printed in: Kew Bul. Misc. Inform. 1895:321.)

——   1895b.   Peculiarities of the Queensland Flora, VI. Indigenous fruits recommended for cultivation.   Queens. Dept. Agr. Bot. Bul. 12:16-23.

——   1903.   Contributions to the flora of British New Guinea.   G. A. Vaughan, Gov't Printer, Brisbane.   3 pp.

Bailey, L. H.   1914-17.   Standard cyclopedia of horticulture.   The Macmillan Co., New York.   6 vol.

Bartholomew, E. T., and W. B. Sinclair.   1951.   The lemon fruit: its composite, physiology, and products.   Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley.   163 pp.

Batchelor, L. D., and H. J. Webber. (eds.).   1948.   The citrus industry.   Vol. II. Production of the crop.   Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles.   933 pp.

Beauvisage, G.   1901.   Genera Montrouzieriana, plantarum Novae Caledoniae.   Soc. Bot. Lyon Ann. 26:1-96.

Beddome, R. H.   1861.   Contributions to the botany of Southern India.   Madras Jour. Lit. Sci., Ser. 2, 22:73-74.

——   1869-73.   The Flora Sylvatica of Southern India.   With Appendix: Forester's manual of botany for Southern India.   Gantz Bros., Madras.   3 vol.   (See specifically: Vol. 3, Rutaceae, Appendix, pp. xl-xlvii, pl. 7.)

Benemerito, A. N.   1938.   The sour and sweet oranges of Kwangtung, China, Philipp. Agr. 27:302-41.

Benson, W. N.   1923.   Paleozoic and mesozoic seas in Australasia.   Trans. New Zeal. Inst. 54:1-62.

Bentham, G.   1851.   Florula Hongkongensis; an enumeration of the plants collected in the Island of Hong-Kong by Major J. G. Champion.   Hook. Jour. Bot. 3:326-44.

Bentsáth, A., Rusznyák, and A. Szent-Györgyi.   1937.   Vitamin P.   Nature 139:326-27.

Bessey, C. E.   1915.   The phylogenetic taxonomy of flowering plants.   Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 2:1-155.

Bhattacharya, S. C. and S. Dutta.   1956.   Classification of citrus fruits of Assam.   Government of India Press, Delhi.   Sci. Monog. No. 20:110 pp.

Biraghi, A.   1935.   Rilievi su alcuni Citrus a frutto acido presenti in India in relazione alla ricerca di forme resistenti al "mal secco."   R. Staz. Patol. Veg. Roma Bol. (n.s.) 15:424-41.

Bitancourt, A. A., and A. E. Jenkins.   1938.   New species, hosts, and distribution records of Elsinoë and Sphaceloma.   Cron. Bot. 4:388-89.

Blanco, M.   1837.   Flora de Filipinas.   D. Candido Lopez, Manila.   887 pp.

Bonavia, E.   1886.   On the probable wild source of the whole group of cultivated true limes.   (Citrus acida Roxb., C. medica var. acida of Brandis, Hooker and A. de Candolle).   Linn, Soc. [London] Jour. Bot. 22:213-18.

——   1888-90.   The cultivated oranges and lemons, etc., of India and Ceylon.   W. H. Allen & Co., London.   384 pp. and atlas of 259 pls.

Bourdillon, T. F.   1908.   The forest trees of Travancore.   Travancore Gov't. Press, Trivandrum.   488 pp.

Brandis, D.   1906.   Indian trees.   A. Constable & Co., Ltd., London.   767 pp.

Braverman, J. B. S.   1949.   Citrus products. Chemical composition and chemical technology.   Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York.   424 pp.

Brenier, H.   1917.   Produits alimentaires.   In: Crévost, Ch., and Ch. Lemoire.   Catalogue des produits de l'Indo-chine. Vol. 1.   Imprimerie Extreme-Orient, Hanoi.   440 pp.

Brock, R. W.   1924.   Sketch of the geology of Viti Levu, Great Fiji.   Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., Ser. 3, 18(4):63-83.

Brooks, B. T.   1911.   New Philippine essential oils.   Philipp. Jour. Sci., Sec. A, 6:333-53.

Brough, P.   1933.   The life-history of Grevillea robusta (Cunn.).   Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales Proc. 58:33-73.

Browne, P.   1756.   The civil and natural history of Jamaica.   Osborne, London.   503 pp.

——   1789.   The civil and natural history of Jamaica.   Second edition.   With four additional indexes.   White & Son, London.   526 pp.

Burkill, I. H.   1931.   Enumeration of the species of Paramignya, Atalantia, and Citrus found in Malay.   Str. Settl. Gard. Bul. 5:212-23.

——   1935.   A dictionary of economic products of the Malay Peninsula.   Crown Agent for the Colonies, London.   2 vol.

Burmann, J.   1737.   Thesaurus zeylanicus exhibens plantas in insula Zeylana nascentes…Amstelaedami, apud Janssonio-Waesbergios.   235 pp.

Candolle, A. P. de.   1824.   Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis.   Treuttel & Wirtz, Paris.   17 vol.   (See specifically: Aurantiaceae.   1:535-40.)

Castillon, Comte de.   1877.   Horticulture japonaise: deux variétés de Citrus triptera.   Rev. Hort., Paris. 49:73.

Cockrell, R. A.   1935.   The wood anatomy of the North Sumatran "Djeroek Oetan," a supposed new genus of Rutaceae allied to Murraya.   Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci. 20:33-35.

Cooke, T.   1901-08.   Flora of the Presidency of Bombay.   Taylor & Francis, London.   2 vol.

Craib, W. G.   1926-36.   Florae siamensis enumeratio.   Bangkok Times Press, Ltd., Bangkok.   2 vol. completed.   (See specifically: Rutaceae, 1:215-39.)

Darwin, C.   1868.   The variation of animals and plants under domestication.   D. Appleton & Co., New York.   2 vol.

Davis, D.   1930.   A descriptive account of the Bahraich Forest Division, United Provinces.   Indian Forest. 56:108-15.

Decaisne, J.   1834.   Description d'un herbier de l'île de Timor faisant partie des collections botaniques.   Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, Nouv. Ann. 3:333-501.

De Silva,W. A.   1890.   Indigenous food products—cultivated and wild, IV.   Trop. Agr. Mag. Ceylon Agr. Soc. 9:721-22.

De Wildeman, E., and Th. Durand.   1901.   Plantae Gilletianae congolensis; Rutaceae.   Herb. Boissier Bul., Ser. 2, 1:743.

Dobzhansky, T.   1955.   Evolution, genetics, and man.   John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.   398 pp.

Dreyer, D. L.   1965.   Citrus bitter principles. V. Botanical distribution and chemotaxonomy in the Rutaceae.   Phytochemistry 5:367-79.

Duthie, J. F.   1905.   Flora of the upper Gangetic Plain,…    Supt. Gov't. Print., Calcutta.   (See specifically: Rutaceae. 1:133-44.)

Eames, A. J.   1936.   Morphology of vascular plants, lower groups.   McGraw-Hill, New York.   433 pp.

Eaton, F. M., and G. Y. Blair.   1935.   Accumulation of boron by reciprocally grafted plants.   Plant Physiol. 10:411-24.

Eggeling, W. J.   1940.   The indigenous trees of the Uganda Protectorate.   Entebbe, East Africa.   318 pp.

Eitel, E. J. and I. G. Genahr.   1911.   A Chinese-English dictionary in the Cantonese dialect by Dr. Ernest John Eitel.   Revised and enlarged by Immanuel Gottlieb Genahr.   Hongkong.   1435 pp.   (Index, Hongkong, 1912.   50 pp.)

Engler, A.   1896.   Rutaceae, von A. Engler.   In: Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, begr. von A. Engler und K. Prantl.   Englemann, Leipzig.   Teil 3, Abt. 4, pp. 95-201.

——   1915.   Rutaceae.   In his: Die Pflanzenwelt Afrikas. 3:745-64.   (Vol. 9 of Engler, A., and O. Drude.   Vegetation der Erde.)

——   1931.   Rutaceae.   In: Engler, A., and K. Prantl.   Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien.   Second edition.   Engelmann, Leipzig.   19a:187-359.

——   1936.   Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien. 11. ergänzte Auflage, bearbeitet von Dr. Ludwig Diels.   Borntraeger, Berlin.   419 pp.

Everett, T. H.   1940.   Glycosmis citrifolia.   Addisonia 21:29-30.

Fairchild, D. G.   1930.   Exploring for plants.   The Macmillan Co., New York.   591 pp.

Fawcett, H. S.   1936.   Citrus diseases and their control.   Second edition.   McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York and London.   656 pp.

Ferrari, G. B.   1646.   Hesperides; sive, De Malorum aureorum cultura et usu libri quatuor.   Hermanni Scheus, Rome.   480 pp.

Finnemore, H.   1926.   The essential oils.   E. Benn, Ltd., London.   880 pp.

Fischer, C. E. C.   1921.   A survey of the flora of the Anaimalai Hills in Coimbatore District, Madras Presidency.   Rec. Bot. Surv. India 9:45.

Flanders, S. E.   1932.   Observations concerning a citrus relative native to Australia.   Calif. Citrog. 17:278, 307-08.

Ford, Ernest S.   1942.   Anatomy and histology of the Eureka lemon.   Bot. Gaz. 104:288-305.

Fortune, R.   1848.   New plants…from the Society's Garden…17. Citrus japonica.   Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc. [London] 3:239-40.

——   1870.   Observation on the kumquat.   Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc. [London] 2:46-50.

Foxworthy, F. W.   1927.   Commercial timber trees of the Malay Peninsula.   Malay. Forest Rec. 3:169-70.

Francis,W. D.   1929.   Australian rain-forest trees excluding the species confined to the tropics.   Comming, Gov't. Printer, Brisbane, 347 pp.

Frost, B.   1925.   Tetraploidy in Citrus.   Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S. 11:535-37.

——   1926.   Polyembryony, heterozygosis, and chimeras in Citrus.   Hilgardia 1:365-402.

——   1938a.   The genetics and cytology of citrus.   Current Sci. 1938:24-27.

——   1938b.   Nucellar embryony and juvenile characters of clonal varieties of Citrus.   Jour. Hered. 29:423-32.

Fuller, H. J. and O. Tippo.   1949.   College botany.   Henry Holt and Co., New York.   993 pp.

Furr, J. R. and P. C. Reece.   1946.   Identification of hybrid and nucellar citrus seedlings by a modification of the rootstock color test.   Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 48:141-46.

Gallesio, G.   1811.   Traité du Citrus.   Louis Fantin, Paris.   381 pp.

Galli, P.   1928.   Agrumicoltura.   Unione Tip.-edit.   Torinese, Turin.   117 pp.

Gamble, J. S.   1915.   Flora of the Presidency of Madras. Part I.   Adlard & Son, London.   (Bound in Vol. 1 of the work completed in 1935.)   (See specifically: Rutaceae, pp. 146-62.)

Gildemeister, E. and F. Hoffmann.   1913-22.   The volatile oils.   Second edition.   Authorized translation by Edward Kremers.   John Wiley & Sons, New York.   3 vol.   (See specifically: The oils of the agrumens.   3:1-110.)

Glidden, H. W.   1937.   The lemon in Asia and Europe.   Amer. Orient. Soc. Jour. 57:381-96.

Goossens, V.   1924.   Note sur le Limonia Poggei (Engl.) var. latialata De Wild. employé pour la greffe de l'oranger au Jardin Botanique d'Eala.   Congo Belge Bul. Agr. 15:157-62.

Gortner, R. A.   1938.   Outlines of biochemistry.   Second edition.   John Wiley & Sons, New York.   1017 pp.   (See specifically: Citrin [vitamin P].   pp. 916-17.)

Groff, G. W.   1921-24.   Plants of Kwangtung Province and their Chinese names.   Parts 1-3.   Unpublished manuscript.   (Copies in Harvard Arboretum, Harvard University, and Lingnan University Herbarium, Canton, China.)

Guillaumin, A.   1910a.   Espèces ou localités nouvelles pour les Rutacées d'Extrême-Orient.   Not. Syst. Lecomte 1:207.

——   1910b.   Revision des Atalantia asiatiques.   Not. Syst. Lecomte 1:175-84.

——   1911.   Rutaceae.   In: Lecomte, H.   Flore générale de l'Indo-Chine 1:629-87.

——   1913.   Atalantia littoralis Guillaumin nom. nov., plante nouvelle pour l'Annam.   Bul. Soc. Bot. France 60:441-42.

——   1917.   Les Citrus cultivés et sauvages.   Aug. Challamel, Paris.   80 pp.

——   1928.   Les travaux récents sur les Aurantiées.   Rev. Bot. Appl. Agr. Trop. 8:169-76.

Guillochon, L.   1929.   Etude sur les aurantiacées.   Serv. Bot. Tunisie Ann. 6:1-30.

Haines, H. H.   1921.   The botany of Bihard and Orissa, Part II.   Adlard & Son, London, 224 pp.   (See specifically: Rutaceae, pp. 158-68.)

Hall, D. H.   1938.   A new enzyme of the glucosidase type.   Nature 142:150.

Han Yen-chih.   1923.   Han Yen-chih's Chü lu (written 1178).   Monograph on the oranges of Wenchou, Chekiang.   Translated by Michael J. Hagerty, with introduction by Paul Pelliot.   T'oung Pao, Leiden, Ser. 2, 22:63-96.   (Original Chinese text, dating from 1179, in Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.)

Hattori, S.   1936.   Ueber Isosakuranetin aus den Früchten von Pseudaegle trifoliata.   Acta Phytochem. 4:219-26.

Hayata, B.   1911-21.   Icones plantarum Formosanarum…   Gov't. of Formosa Bur. Productive Industries, Taihoku.   10 vol.   (See specifically: Rutaceae.   8:14-33.)

Herbert, D. A.   1924.   Plant life on Mount Maquiling.   Philipp. Agr. 13:183-97.

Heslop-Harrison, J.   1956.   New concepts in flowering-plant taxonomy.   Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.   135 pp.

Higby, R. H.   1941.   The chemical nature of hesperidin and its experimental medicinal use as a source of vitamin P. A review.   Jour. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. Sci. Ed. 30:629-34.

——   1943.   The chemical nature of vitamin P.   Jour. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. Sci. Ed. 32:74-77.

Hilger, A.   1876.   Ueber Hesperidin.   Deut. Chem. Gesell. Ber. 9:26-31.

Hochreutiner, B. P. G.   1904.   Plantae bogoriensis exsiccatae novae vel minus cochitae quae in horto botanico coluntur…[Buitzenzorg].   Instituti Botanici Bogoriensis.   75 pp.

Hodgson, R. W.   1937.   The citrus fruits of India.   Calif. Citrog. 22:504, 513-14, 517.

——   1961.   Taxonomy and nomenclature in citrus.   Inten. Org. Citrus Virol. Proc. 2:1-7.

Hodgson, R. W., R. Singh and D. Singh.   1963a.   Some little known Indian citrus species.   Calif. Citrog. 48(6):188

——   1963b.   Some little known Indian citrus species.   Calif. Citrog. 48(8):288.

——   1963c.   Some little known Indian citrus species.   Calif. Citrog. 48(8):357.

Hoffmann, E.   1876.   Ueber Hesperidin.   Deut. Chem. Ges. Ber. 9:685-90.

Hooker, J. D.   1875-97.   The flora of British India.   Reeve & Co., London.   7 vol.   (See specifically: Rutaceae.   1:484-517.)

Hooker, J. D., and B. Daydon Jackson.   1895-1938.   Index Kewensis plantarum phanerogamarum.   Clarendon Press, Oxford.   2 vol.   1895; Suppl. 1-9, 1906-1938.

Hu, C. C.   1930.   Citrus survey in China (First Report).   Nogyo Oyobi Engei 5:1461-76, 1624-49.   [In Japanese.]   (Reprint includes 4-page English summary.)

——   1931.   Citrus culture in China.   Calif. Citrog. 16:502, 543-44.

——   1934.   The history and distribution of citrus fruit in China.   Jour. Agr. Assoc. China Nos. 126-127:1-79.   [In Chinese with English summary.]   (Reprinted as: Nanking Univ. Col. Agr. and For.Bul. 31:79.)

Hume, H. H.   1903.   The kumquats.   Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 65:550-66.

——   1909.   Citrus fruits and their culture.   Orange Judd & Co., New York.   587 pp.

——   1926.   The cultivation of citrus fruits.   The Macmillan Co., New York.   561 pp.

Hutchinson, J.   1926.   The families of flowering plants.   Macmillan and Co. Ltd., London.   2 vol.   (See specifically: Vol. 1.   Dicotyledons.)

Inzenga, G.   1915.   Agrumi siciliani.   Tip. Orario delle Ferrovie Acireale, Sicily, 42 pp.

Jackson, B.   1912.   Index to the Linnean Herbarium, with indication of the types of species marked by Carl von Linné.   Linn. Soc. London Proc.   124th session, Suppl.   152 pp.

Jenkins, Anna E.   1936.   A Sphaceloma on fruit of Hesperethusa crenulata, a remote citrus relative from India.   Phytopathology 26:71-73.

Juel, H. O.   1918   Beiträge zur Blütenanatomie und zur Systematik der Rosaceen.   K. Svenska Vetensk. Acad. Handl. [Stockholm] 58(5):1-81.

Keys, A.   1923.   Report on a mission to Florida.   Barbados Botanic Garden, Bridgetown.   8 pp.

Killermann, S.   1916.   Die Zitronen und Orangen in Geschichte und Kunst.   Naturwiss. Wochenschr. 31:201-08.

King, G.   1894.   Materials for a flora of the Malayan Peninsula, No. 6.   Jour. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 62(2):216-26.

Koorders, S. H.   1912.   Exkursionsflora von Java.   Fischer, Jena.   4 vol. and atlas.   (See specifically: Rutaceae.   2:416-29.)

Koorders, S. H., and T. Valeton.   1896.   Bijdrage No. 4 tot de kennis der boomsoorten van Java.   Mededeel. uit's Lands Plantentuin. No. 17, pp. 251-53.

Kozhin, A. E.   1931.   Citrus plants and their cultivation in the U.S.S.R.   Bul. Appl. Bot. Genet. and Plant Breed. 26(l):241-540.   [Russian with English summary.]

Kurz, S.   1875.   Contributions toward a knowledge of the Burmese flora.   Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal 44(2):136.

——   1876.   On the species of Glycosmis.   Jour. Bot., Brit. & For. 14:33-40.

——   1877.   Forest flora of British Burma.   Supt. of Gov't Publishing, Calcutta.   2 vol.   (See specifically: Rutaceae.   1:184-99.)

Kwok Wa-shau.   1922.   Kan chü lei tsai pei ta.   [Varieties of Citrus and their culture.]   Lingnan Univ., Canton, China.   (Unpublished manuscript, in Chinese, in Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., partly translated into English.)   323 pp.

Lanjouw, J.   1961.   International code of botanical nomenclature.   Adopted by the Ninth International Botanical Congress (Montreal, 1959).   Utrecht, Netherlands.   372 pp.

Lauterbach, C.   1912.   Rutaceae.   Nova Guinea 8(4):823-25.

——   1918.   Die Rutaceen Papuasiens.   Bot. Jahrb. 55:221-65.

Lawrence, G. H. M.   1951.   Taxonomy of vascular plants.   The Macmillan Co., New York.   823 pp.

Lee, H. A.   1918.   Further data on the susceptibility of rutaceous plants to citrus-canker.   Jour. Agr. Res. 15:661-65.

Lewis, F.   1934.   The vegetable products of Ceylon.   Assoc. Newspapers of Ceylon, Ltd., Colombo.   409 pp.

Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, J. L. A., and E. Michel.   1818-19.   Nouveau Duhamel, ou Traité des arbres et arbustes que l'on cultive en France.   E. Michel, Paris.   7 vol.   (See specifically: Vol. 7, Citrus.)

Longley, A. E.   1925.   Polycary, polyspory and polyploidy in citrus and citrus relatives.   Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 15:347-51.

——   1926.   Triploid citrus.   Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 16:543-45.

Loureiro, J. de.   1790.   Flora Cochinchinensis.   Typ. Academiae, Ulyssipone [Lisbon].   2 vol.

Low, I.   1924-34.   Die flora der Juden.   Lowit, Vienna.   4 vol.   (See specifically: Rutaceae.   3:260-321.)

Lunan, J.   1814.   Hortus Jamaicensis.   St. Iago de la Vega Gazette, Jamaica.   2 vol.

Lushington, A. W.   1910.   The genus Citrus.   Indian Forest. 36:323-53.

Macfadyen, J.   1830.   Some remarks on the species of the genus Citrus, which are cultivated in Jamaica.   Bot. Misc. Hook. 1:295-304.

——   1837.   The flora of Jamaica; a description of the plants of the island.   Longmans, London.   2 vol.

Maiden, J. H.   1921.   Eremocitrus glauca Swingle, the wild lemon.   In his: Forest flora of New South Wales 7:239-45.

Marcovitch, B. B.   1926.   Indeeling van het geslacht Citrus.   [Classification of the genus Citrus.]   In: Landbouw [Buitzenzorg, Java] 2(4):25 pp.

Matlack, M. B.   1931.   The juice sac of the orange, with some observations on the plastids of citrus.   Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 21:438-40.

McKee, R.   1927.   Chinese dwarf Meyer lemon introduced.   U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook 1926:218-21.

McLennan, C. M.   1937.   Perrine lemon, number one citrus opportunity.   Fla. Grower 45(5):16-17.

Merrill, E. D.   1918.   Species Blancoanae. A critical revision of the Philippine species of plants described by Blanco and by Llanos.   Bur. Sci. Publ., Manila 12:1-423.

——   1923-26.   An enumeration of Philippine flowering plants.   Bur. of Printing, Manila.   4 vol.   (See specifically: Rutaceae.   2:326-45.)

——   1926.   The flora of Banguey Island.   Philipp. Jour. Sci. 29:341-429.

——   1931.   Unrecorded Plants front Kwangtung Province.   Lingnan Sci. Jour. 7:297-326.

——   1935.   A commentary on Loureiro's Flora Cochinchinensis.   Trans. Amer. Phil. Sci. (n.s.) 24(2):l-445.

——   1938.   New Sumatran plants, III.   Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci. 23:177-202.

Merrill, E. D. and H. A. Lee.   1924.   A consideration of the species Citrus maxima (Burm.). Merr.   Amer. Jour. Bot. 11:382-84.

Meyer, F. N.   1918.   No. 39897—Citrus sp.   U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Indus. Inv. of Seeds and Plants Imported No. 42:33-34.

Mill Tsen.   1936.   "Foochow chih huang i" (Wampi varieties in Foochow region).   Hortus ("Yuan i"), 2:595-98.   [In Chinese.]

Miquel, F. A. W.   1863-69.   Annales Musei Botanici Lugduno-Batavi.   Van der Post, Amsterdam.   4 vol.   (See specifically: Aurantiaceae novae.   1:211.)

Miyazaba, B., S. Matsubara, and T. Kawaida.   1928.   Inner morphological studies on Citrus species and their varieties.   Stud. Citrol. 2:185-205.   [Japanese with English title.]

Nagai, Keizo, and I. Takahashi.   1925.   Root grafting of the citrus tree.   Imp. Hort. Exper. Sta. [Okitsu, Japan] Res. Bul. 3:11 pp.   [Japanese with English summary.]

——   1928.   The "root-grafting" of citrus trees.   Proc. Third Pan-Pacific Sci. Cong. [Tokoyo, 1926]   2:2014-22.

Nakamura, M.   1934.   Cytological studies in the genus Citrus. II. The chromosome number, pollen sterility and the formation of abnormal pollen tetrads.   Stud. Citrol. 6:162-78.   [Japanese with English summary.]

Nelson, E. K.   1934.   The occurrence of a pentamethyl flavonol in tangerine peel.   Amer. Chem. Soc. Jour. 56:1392-93.

Ochse, J. J.   1927.   Indische Vruchten.   Volkslectuur-Weltevreden, Buitzenzorg.   330 pp.

——   1931.   Fruits and fruitculture in the Dutch East Indies.   G. Kolff & Co., Batavia.   180 pp.

Oliver, D.   1861.   The natural order Aurantiaceae, with a synopsis of the Indian species.   Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. [London] 5(Suppl. 2):1-44.

Oliver, G. W.   1911.   The seeding inarch and nurse-plant methods of propagation.   U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Indus. Bul. 202:43 pp.

Parkinson, C. E.   1923.   A forest flora of the Andaman Islands.   Government Central Press, Simla.   338 pp.

Peltier, G. L. and W. J. Frederich.   1920.   Relative susceptibility to citrus canker of different species and hybrids of the genus Citrus, including the wild relatives.   Jour. Agr. Res. 19:339-62.

Penfold, A. R., and J. L. Simonsen.   1925.   The essential oils from the leaves of Murraya koenigii (Spreng.), Murraya exotica (Linn.) and Murraya exotica var. ovatifolia (Engler).   Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales Jour. and Proc. 59:146-55.   (This paper issued October 28, 1925; complete volume issued May, 1926.)

Penzig, O.   1887.   Studi botanici sugli agrumi e sulle piante affini.   Tip. Eredi Botta, Rome.   Ministero di Agricoltura, Industria e Comercio.   Annali di Agricoltura, No. 116:596 pp. and atlas of 58 pls.

Pfeffer, W.   1874.   Hesperidin.   Bot Zeitung. 32:529.

Planchon, J. E.   1854-58.   Hortus donatensis.   Catalogue des plantes cultivées dans les serres de…Demidoff à San Donato près Florence.   Remquet, Paris.   255 pp.

Poiret, J. L. M.   1797.   Oranger.   Citrus.   In: Lamarck.   Encyclopédie méthodique. Botanique 4:575-82.   Paris.

Poore, H. D.   1934.   Recovery of naringin and pectin from grapefruit residue.   Indus. and Engin. Chem. 26:637-39.

Pynaert, L.   1935.   Les aurantiées due genre Citropsis.   Congo Belge Bul. Agr. 26:305-14.

Rafinesque-Schmalts, C. S.   1838.   Sylva telluriana mantis…   Privately printed, Philadelphia.   181 pp.

Rao, B. S., and K. S. Subramaniam.   1935.   The occurrence of furan derivatives in volatile oils. II. a-clausenan and di-a-clausenan.   [Coimbatore, India]   Indian Acad. Sci. Proc. A-2:574-79.

Reece, P. C. and J. F. L. Childs.   1962.   Character differences among seedlings of the Persian lime.   Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 75:110-16.

Rehder, A., and E. H. Wilson (also C. S. Sargent and Walter T. Swingle)   1914.   Rutaceae.   In: Sargent, C. S.   Plantae Wilsonianae.   2:121-51.

Reinecke, F.   1898.   Die flora der Samoa-Inseln.   Bot. Jahrb. 25:578-708.

Riccobono, V.   1899.   Monografia delle specie e varieta di agrumi coltivate nel R. Orto Botanico di Palermo.   R. Orto Bot. Palermo Bol. 3:141-89.

Ridgway R.   1912.   Color standards and color nomenclature.   The Author, Washington, D.C.   43 pp.

Ridley, H. N.   1922.   Flora of the Malay Peninsula.   L. Reeve & Co., London.   5 vol.   (See specifically: Rutaceae.   1:340-59.)

——   1930.   Addition to the flora of Borneo.   Kew Bul. Misc. Inform. 1930:74-87.

Risso, J. A.   1813.   Essai sur l'histore naturelle des orangers, bigaradiers, limettiers, cédratiers, limoniers ou citronniers cultivés dans le Départment des Alpes Maritimes.   Dufour, Paris.   74 pp.

Risso, J. A., and A. Poiteau.   1818-22.   Histoire naturelle des orangers.   Audot, Paris.   280 pp.

——   1871-72.   Histoire naturelle des orangers.   Nouvelle edition, entièrement revue et augmentée d'un chapitre nouveau sur la culture dans le midi de l'Europe et en Algérie, par M. A. du Breuil.   Henri Plou, Paris.   232 pp.

Robinson, T. R., and E. M. Savage.   1934.   Acid citrus fruits for the Gulf Coast and Eastern subtropical crops region.   U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Indus.   12 pp.   (Mimeo.)

Rosenberg, H. R.   1942.   Chemistry and physiology of the vitamins.   Interscience Pub. Co., New York.   676 pp.   (See specifically: Vitamin P.   pp. 513-18.)

Roxburgh, W.   1795-1819.   Plants of the coast of Coromandel; selected from drawings and descriptions presented to the Hon. Court of Directors of the East India Co.   Pub. by their order.   W. Bulmer, London.   3 vol.   (See specifically: Aegle Marmelos.   2:23. pl. 143.)

——   1832.   Flora indica; or descriptions of Indian plants.   Serampore.   Printed for W. Thacker & Co., Calcutta, and for Parbury, Allen & Co., London.   3 vol.

Ruggieri, G.   1935.   La diversa resistanza alla defogliazione prodotta dal vento in alcune specie di "Citrus" in rapporto alla struttura anatomica del picciolo.   R. Staz. Patol. Veg. di Roma Bol. (n.s.) 15:169-99.

Rumphius [Georg Eberhard Rumph].   1741-55.   Herbarium Amboinense.   M. Uytwerf, Amsterdam.   7 vol.

Rusznyak, S., and A. Szent-Gyorgyi.   1936.   Vitamin P: flavonols as vitamins.   Nature. 138:27.

Santiago, A.   1962.   An illustrated guide to Malayan Citrus species and varieties.   Div. Agr., Min. Agr. Coop., Federation of Malaya.   138 pp.

Scora, R. W.   1966.   Contribution to the study of essential leaf oils in Severinia buxifolia (Poir.) Tenore.   Phytochemistry 5:823-25.

Scora, R. W., A. B. England, and W. P. Bitters.   1966.   The essential oils of Poncirus trifoliata Raf. and its selections in relation to classification.   Phytochemistry 5:1139-46.

Scora, R. W., and J. E. Newman.   1967.   The essential oils of the peel of Valencia oranges.   Agr. Meteor. 4:11-26.

Scora, R. W., and S. Torrisi.   1966.   Relation of taxonomic, climatic, and tissue maturity factors to the essential oil constituents in leaves and fruits in the Aurantiodae.   Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 88:262-71.

Seemann, B.   1862.   Viti: an account of a government mission to the Vitian and Fijian islands in the years 1860-61.   Macmillan & Co., Cambridge.   447 pp.

Sinclair, W. B.   1961.   The orange: its biochemistry and physiology.   Univ. Calif. Div. of Agr. Sci.   475 pp.

Singh, D., and C. A. Schroeder.   1962.   Taxonomic and physiological relationship of the so-called mandarin-lime group of citrus.   Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 80:291-95.

Small, J. K.   1933.   Manual of the southeastern flora.   Science Press, New York.   1554 pp.   (See specifically: Rutaceae, pp. 756-61.)

Smith, G. M.   1938.   Cryptogamic botany.   McGraw-Hill, New York.   2 vols.

Spanoche, J. B.   1841.   Prodromus Florae Timorensis.   Linnaea 15:161-208.

Sprague, T. A.   1936.   Report to the Subsection for Nomenclature.   Sixth Intern. Bot. Cong. [Amsterdam] Proc. 1:333-69.

Staner, P.   1929.   Maladies du citrus au Congo Belge.   Congo Belge Bul. Agr. 20:364-73.

Stanley, W. L.   1963a.   Citrus oils: analytical methods and compositional characteristics.   Intern. Fruchsaft-Union, Ber. Wiss.-Tech. Komm. 4:91-102.

——   1963b.   Recent developments in coumarin chemistry.   Aspects Plant Phenolic Chem., Third Symp., Univ. Toronto. 1963:79-103.

Stapf, O.   1929-31.   Index Londinensis to illustrations of flowering plants, ferns, and fern allies.   Clarendon Press, Oxford.   6 vol.

Stebbins, G. L., Jr.   1950.   Variation and evolution in plants.   Columbia University Press, New York.   643 pp.

Strasburger, E.   1878.   Ueber Polyembryonic.   Jenaische Zeitschr. f. Naturwiss. 12:647-70.

Swingle, W. T.   1909.   The limitation of the satsuma orange to trifoliate-orange stock.   U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Indus. Circ. 46:10 pp. 1 pl.

——   1910.   New types of citrus fruits for Florida.   Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 23:36-41.

——   1911.   Citrus trifoliata in relation to citrus culture.   Proc. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 32:218-21.

——   1912a.   Feroniella, genre nouveau de la tribu des Citreae, fondé sur le F. oblata, espèce nouvelle de l'Indo-Chine.   Bul. Soc. Bot. France 59:774-83.

——   1912b.   Le genre Balsamocitrus et un nouveau genre voisin Aeglopsis.   Bul. Soc. Bot. France 58(mem. 8d):225-45.

——   1912c.   Observations sur les quelques especes indo-chinoises des genres Atalantia et Glycosmis.   Not. Syst. Lecomte 2:158-63.

——   1913a.   The botanical name of the lime, Citrus aurantifolia.   Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 3:463-65.

——   1913b.   Chaetospermum, a new genus of hard-shelled citrous fruits, Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 3:99-102.

——   1913c.   Citrus ichangensis, a promising, hardy, new species from southwestern China and Assam.   Jour. Agr. Res. 1:1-14.

——   1913d.   Le fruit mûr et les jeunes semi de l'Aeglopsis Chevalieri.   Bul. Soc. Bot. France 60:406-09.

——   1913e.   New citrous fruits.   Amer. Breed. Mag. 4:83-95.

——   1913f.   Variation in first-generation hybrids (imperfect dominance): its possible explanation through zygotaxis.   Compt. Rend. Conf. Intern. Genetique IVe [Paris, 1911] 1913:381-94.

——   1914a.   Citrus and Poncirus.   In: Sargent, C. S.   Plantae Wilsonianae.   2:141-51.

——   1914b.   Eremocitrus, a new genus of hardy drouth-resistant citrus fruits from Australia.   Jour. Agr. Res. 2:85-100.

——   1914c.   The name of the wood apple, Feronia Limonia.   Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 4:325-28.

——   1914-17.   Citrus and related genera.   In: Bailey, L. H.   Standard cyclopedia of horticulture.   The Macmillan Co., New York.   6 vol.   (See specifically: Key to orange subfamily, accounts of 25 genera and 4 cultivated species.   49 pp.   Also reprinted with table of contents in 1917.)

——   1915a.   Merope angulata, a salt-tolerant plant related to Citrus, from the Malay Archipelago.   Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 5:420-25.

——   1915b.   Microcitrus, a new genus of Australian citrous fruits.   Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 5:569-78.

——   1915c.   A new genus, Fortunella, comprising four species of kumquat oranges.   Jour. Wash Acad. Sci. 5:165-76.

——   1916a.   Pamburus, a new genus related to Citrus from India.   Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 6:335-38.

——   1916b.   Pleiospermium, a new genus related to Citrus, from India, Ceylon and Java.   Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 6:426-31.

——   1916c.   Severinia buxifolia, a citrus relative native to southern China.   Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 6:651-57.

——   1918.   Merrillia, a new rutaceous genus of the tribe Citreae from the Malay Peninsula.   Philipp. Jour Sci., Sec. C, Bot. 13:335-41, 343.

——   1922.   History of the kumquat oranges in China (list of references to Chinese works consulted).   [Compiled with the help of Michael J. Hagerty.]   4 unnumbered pp.

——   1927a.   Kankitsu kaju oyobi sono yasei kinen shokubutsu wo fokumo yukaryo no ichi aka Citrateae.   [A study of the phylogenetic relationships of the rutaceous subfamily Citrateae.]   Stud. Citrol. 1:1-10.

——   1927b.   Seed production in sterile citrus hybrids, its scientific explanation and practical significance.   New York Hort. Soc. Mem. 3:19-21.   (Abstract.)

——   1929a.   "Kindzu" or "Golden Bean" orange (Fortunella Hindsii) from historic, taxonomic and cytologic standpoints.   Proc. Third Pan-Pacific Sci. Cong. [Tokyo, 1926] 2:2001.   (Abstract.)

——   1929b.   The origin of the flora of Eastern Asia, a reservoir of useful plants.   Proc. Third Pan-Pacific Sci. Cong. [Tokyo, 1926] 2:1902-03.   (Abstract.)

——   1929c.   A study of the phylogenetic relationships of the rutaceous subfamily Citrateae, including the citrus fruits and their wild relatives, with experimental studies in hybridizing and grafting plants of this subfamily.   Proc. Third Pan-Pacific Sci. Cong. [Tokyo, 1926] 2:2013-14.   (Abstract.)

——   1931.   The Wase mutations of the satsuma oranges and their temperature requirements.   Amer. Jour. Bot. 18:891.   (Abstract.)

——   1932.   Neophyosis or rejuvenescence of nucellar bud seedlings in Citrus.   Amer. Jour. Bot. 19:839.   (Abstract.)

——   1933.   Metaxenia and neophyosis—two forms of morphogenetic influence exerted by the generation-complex of the embryo sac apparatus in higher plants.   Abstract of a paper read at Natl. Acad. Sci. meeting of April 28, 1933.   (Mimeo.)

——   1935.   Old and new criteria for determining the relationship of higher plants.   Science (n.s.) 81:464.

——   1938.   A new taxonomic arrangement of the orange subfamily, Aurantioideae.   Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 28:530-33.

——   1939a.   Clymenia and Burkillanthus, new genera; also three new species of Pleiospermium (Rutaceae-Audantioideae [sic]).   Jour. Arnold Arbor. 20:250-63.

——   1939b.   New methods utilized in studying the taxonomy of the orange subfamily.   Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 29:270.

——   1940a.   Limnocitrus, a new genus; also new species of Wenzelia, Paramignya, and Atalantia (Rutaceae-Aurantioideae).   Jour. Arnold Arbor. 21:1-24.

——   1940b.   New varieties and new combinations in the genera Clausena, Oxanthea, and Triphasia of the orange subfamily, Aurantioideae.   Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 30:79-83.

——   1940c.   Three new species of Citropsis; also new varieties of Atalantia and Fortunella(Rutaceae-Aurantioideae).   Jour. Arnold Arbor. 21:115-33.

——   1942.   Three new varieties and two new combinations in Citrus and related genera of the orange subfamily.   Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 21:23-26.

Swingle, W. T., and Maude Kellerman.   1914.   Citropsis, a new tropical African genus allied to Citrus.   Jour. Agr. Res. 1:419-36.

Swingle, W. T., and T. R. Robinson.   1923.   Two important new types of citrous hybrids for the home garden, citrangequats and limequats.   Jour. Agr. Res. 23:229-38.

Swingle, W. T., T. R. Robinson, and E. May, Jr.   1929.   The nurse-grafted Y-cutting method of plant propagation.   Jour. Hered. 20:79-94.

Swingle, W. T., T. R. Robinson, and E. M. Savage.   1931.   New citrus hybrids.   U.S. Dept. Agr. Circ. 181:20 pp.

——   1932.   Acid citrus fruits suited to Florida and the Gulf Coast region.   U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Plant Indus.   11 pp.   (Mimeo.)

Swingle, W. T., and H. J. Webber.   1898.   Hybrids and their utilization in plant breeding.   U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook 1897:383-420.

Szent-Gyorgyi, A.   1938.   Methoden zur Herstellung von Citron.   Zeitschr. f. Physiol. Chem. 255:126-31.

Talbot, W. A.   1909-11.   Forest flora of the Bombay Presidency and Sind.   Printed for the Gov't., Poona, India.   2 col.   (See specifically: Rutaceae.   1:184-206.   Figs. 117-25.)

Tanaka, T.   1922.   Citrus fruits of Japan; with notes on their history and the origin of varieties through bud variation.   Jour. Hered. 13:243-53.

——   1925.   On Canton lemon, Citrus limonia Osbeck.   Kjushu Imp. Univ. Dept. Agr. Bul. 1:106-26.   [Japanese with English title and resume.]

——   1926a.   A new species of Citrus from Formosa.   Proc. Imp. Acad. Japan 2:345-47.

——   1926b.   On the scientific name of the grapefruit.   Bul. Sci. Fak. Terk. Kjushu Univ. 2:67-83.   [Japanese with English resume.]

——   1926c.   On the Shiikuwasha orange in Okinawa, Ryukyu.   Jour. Jap. Bot. 3:190-93   [Japanese with English title.]

——   1926d.   Wild citrus of the Japanese territories.   Bul. Sci. Fak. Terk. Kjushu Univ. 2:51-58.   [Japanese with English resume.]

——   1927a.   Consideration of the genetics of the Pacific races of citrus fruits.   Mem. Tanaka Citrus Exper. Sta. l(l):50-69.

——   1927b.   On Citrus koji, Marcovitch.   Bul. Sci. Fak. Terk. Kjushu Univ. 2:190-99.

——   1927c.   Taxonomy of the citrus fruits of the Pacific region.   Mem. Tanaka Citrus Exper. Sta. l(l):15-36.

——   1928a.   On certain new species of Citrus.   Stud. Citrol. 2:155-64.   [Japanese with English and Latin resume.]

——   1928b.   Revisio aurantiacearum, I.   Bul. Soc. Bot. France 75:708-15.   (Reprinted in: Mem. Tanaka Citrus Exper. Sta. 1[21:39-46 [1932].)

——   1928c.   Revisio aurantiacearum, II. Two new genera and new combinations of Rutaceae-Aurantieae from Papua.   Jour. Arnold Arbor. 9:137-44.

——   1929a.   Chalcas, a Linnean genus which includes many new types of Asiatic Plants.   (Revisio aurantiacearum, IV.)   Jour. Soc. Trop. Agr. 1:23-44   (Reprinted as: Contr. Hort. Inst. Taihoku Univ. No. 1.)

——   1929b.   Remarks on citrus and citrus relatives in China.   Lingnan Sci. Jour. 7:337-48.

——   1930a.   Compendium des espêces indo-chinoises d'aurantiacées.   (Revisio aurantiacearum, III.)   Bul Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, Ser. 2, 2:157-64.   (Reprinted in: Mem. Tanaka Citrus Exper. Sta. 1(2):47-54 [1932].)

——   1930b.   Enumeration of Indian species of Rutaceae-Aurantioideae.   (Revisio aurantiacearum, VI.)   Jour. Bot. 68:225-36.   (Reprinted in: Mem. Tanaka Citrus Exper. Sta. 1[2]:55-66 [1932].)

——   1931a.   The discovery of Citrus tachibana in Formosa, and its scientific and industrial significance.   Stud. Citrol. 5:1-20.   [In Japanese with English summary.]

——   1931b.   Notes on the Dutch Indian species of Rutaceae-Aurantieae.   (Revisio aurantiacearum, V.)   Mededeel. Rijks Herb. 69:1-13.

——   1932a.   Botanical discoveries on the citrus flora of China.   Mem. Tanaka Citrus Exper. Sta. 1(2):12-36.

——   1932b.   Citrus wilsonii species nova.   Mem. Tanaka Citrus Exper. Sta. 1(2):37-38.

——   1932c.   A monograph of the satsuma orange, with special reference to the occurrence of new varieties through bud variation.   Mem. Fac. Sci. Agr. Taihoku Univ. 4:1-626.

——   1932d.   Opinion of Dr. Kozhin on Citrus classification.   Stud. Citrol. 5:251-63.   [Japanese with English summary.]

——   1932e.   Philippine Rutaceae-Aurantioideae.   (Revisio aurantiacearum, VII.)   Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 22:418-33.

——   1933a.   General remarks on the genus Fortunella, (2).   Stud. Citrol. 6:19-40.

——   1933b.   Kankitsu no kenkyû.   (Citrus studies.)   Yokendo Shoten, Tokyo.   463 pp.

——   1935a.   History of dispute in the Citrus classification.   Stud. Citrol. 7:1-39.   [Japanese with English summary.]

——   1935b.   Kankitsusôno kigenni kansuru kenkyû.   (Studies in the origin of Citrus flora of various countries.)   Proc. Jap. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 10(2):570-76.

——   1936.   On the origin and the future of Japanese citrus flora. Stud. Citrol.   7:155-75.   [Japanese with English summary.]

——   1937.   Further revision of Rutaceae-Aurantioideae of India and Ceylon.   (Revisio aurantiacearum VIII.)   Jour. Indian Bot. Soc. 16:227-40.

——   1954.   Species problem in Citrus   (Revisio aurantiacearum, IX).   Jap. Soc. Prom. Sci., Ueno, Tokyo.   152 pp.

——   1959.   A revision of Assam citrus.   (Revisio aurantiacearum, XL).   Bul. Osaka Pref., Ser. B, 9:29-39.

——   1961.   Citrologia.   Semi-centennial commemoration papers on citrus studies.   Citrologia Supporting Foundation, Osaka, Japan.   114 pp.

Tanaka, T., and Y. Tanaka.   1932.   Propagation of citrus fruits in Japan.   Mem Tanaka Citrus Exper. Sta. 1(2):3-11   [A reprint with new pagination.]   (Translated from: Japanese text in Stud. Citrol. 3:197-907 [1930].)

Tanaka, Y.   1948.   An iconograph of Japanese Citrus fruits: a monographic study of species and varieties of Citrus fruits grown in Japan.   Yokendo Co. Ltd., Tokyo.   2 vol.

Tanret, C.   1886.   Sur quelques principes immédiats de 1'écorce d'orange amére.   Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 102:518-20.

Teijsmann, J. S., and S. Binnendijk.   1864.   Plantae novae vel minus cognitae in horto Bogoriensi culti.   Natuurk. Tijdschr. v. Nedertl.-Indie 27:15-58.

Theulier, E.   1902.   Etude sur 1'essence de fleurs d'orangers douces ou néroli portugal.   Bul. Soc. Chimique Paris, Ser. 3, 27:278-80.

Thomas, B.   1932.   Arabia Felix; across the empty quarter of Arabia.   Scribner's, New York.   316 pp.

Thwaites, G. H. K.   1864.   Enumeratio plantarum Zeylanica.   Dulau & Co., London.   483 pp.

Thunberg, C. P.   1780.   Kaempferus illustratus seu explicato illarum plantarum, quas Kaempferus in Iaponia collegit et in fasciculo quinto Amoenitatum exoticarum adnotavit, etc.   Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. Upsal. 3:196-209.

Tillson, A. H.   1938.   The floral anatomy of the Aurantioideae.   Doctoral Dissertation, Univ. Maryland.   40 pp.   (Unpublished manuscript.)

Tillson, A. H., and R. Bamford.   1938.   The floral anatomy of the Aurantioideae.   Amer. Jour. Bot. 25:780-93.

Tippo, O.   1942.   A modern classification of the plant kingdom.   Chron. Bot. 7:203-06.

Tolkowsky, S.   1938.   Hesperides: a history of the culture and use of citrus fruits.   John Bale Sons & Curnow, London.   371 pp.

Toxopeus, H. J.   1936.   Die Züchtung von Unterlagen fur Citrus sinensis Osb. immun gegen Phytophthora parasitica, die Ursache der "gum-disease" in Java, Züchter 8:1-10.

Trabut, L.   1912.   Chinois et kumquat.   Rev. Hort [Paris] 84:564-67.   3 figs.

——   1914.   Le kumquat.   Bul. Agr. Alger.-Tunis.-Maroc., Ser. 2, 20:2-11.

Traub, H. P.   1936.   Artificial control of nucellar embryony in citrus.   Science (n.s.) 83:165-66.

Traub, H. P., and T. R. Robinson.   1937.   Improvement of subtropical fruit crops: citrus.   U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook 1937:749-826.   19 figs.   (Reprinted as: Yearbook Separate No. 1589 [1938].)

Trimen, H.   1893.   A handbook of the flora of Ceylon.   Dulae & Co., Ltd., London.   (See specifically: Rutaceae.   1:213-29, and Suppl. [1931], pp. 36-41.)

Tschirch, A., and O. Oesterle.   1893-1900.   Anatomischer Atlas der Pharmacognosie und Nahrungsmittelkunde.   C. H. Tauchnitz, Leipzig.   367 pp.   (See specifically: Citrus, pp. 299-306. pls. 69, 70 [1898].)

Turczaninow, N.   1858.   Animadversiones ad…Herbarium Turczaninow.   Bul. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 31:379-476.

——   1863.   Animadversiones ad catalogum primum et secundum partem herbarii universitatis Charkoviensis.   Bul. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 36:578.

Turner, F.   1893.   New commercial crops for New South Wales.   Agr. Gaz. N.S. Wales 4:152-57.

Uphof, J. C. T.   1931.   Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen und Versuche an Agrumen. I. Ueber die Blütenverhältnisse der Tahitilimonelle.   Gartenbauwissenschaft 4:513-20.

——   1932.   Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen and [sic] Versuche an Agrumen. IV. Der polygamische Zustand einiger Citrusarten.   Gartenbauwissenschaft 7:121-41.

U. S. Department of Agriculture.   1962.   Chemistry and technology of citrus, citrus products, and byproducts.   U.S. Dept. Agr. Handbook 98:99 pp.

Van Nouhuys, J. W.   1923.   Der bergstamm Pesegem im innern von Nederländisch Neu-Guinea.   Nova Guinea 7:1-36.

Voigt, J. O.   1845.   Hortus suburbanus Calcuttensis.   Bishop's College Press, Calcutta.   841 pp   (See specifically: Aurantiaceae.   pp. 138-43.)

Volckamer, J. C.   1708-14.   Nürnbergische Hesperides, oder Gründliche Beschreibung der edlen Citronat- Citronen- und Pomeranzen-Füchte…   Bei dem Authore, Nürnberg.   2 vol.

Watt, G.   1889-93.   A dictionary of the economic products of India.   Supt. Gov't. Print., Calcutta.   6 vol.   (See specifically: Aegle, Vol. 1, 1889; Citrus, Vol. 2, 1889; Feronia, Vol. 3, 1890; Limonia, Vol. 4, 1890.)

Wawra, C. W., and J. L. Webb.   1942.   The isolation of a new oxidation-reduction enzyme from lemon peel (vitamin P.)   Science (n.s.) 96:302-03.

Webber, H. J.   1907.   New citrus and pineapple productions of the Department of Agriculture.   U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook 1906:329-46.

——   1923.   Citrus-Arten.   In: Früwirth, C.   Handbuch der landwirtschaftliche Pflanzenzuchtung.   5:112-20.   Second edition.   Paul Parey, Berlin.

——   1938.   When did the sweet orange reach Europe?   U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook 1906:451, 480.

Webber, H. J., and L. D. Batchelor (eds.).   1943.   The citrus industry.   Vol. I. History, botany, and breeding.   Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles.   1028 pp.

Webber, H. J., and W. T. Swingle.   1905.   New citrus creations of the Department of Agriculture.   U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook 1904:221-40.

Wellsted, J. R.   1838.   Travels in Arabia.   John Murray, London.   2 vol.   944 pp.

West, A. P., and W. H. Brown.   1920.   Philippine resins, gums, seed-oils and essential oils.   Philipp. Bur. Forestry Bul. 20:224 pp.

Wester, P. J.   1913.   Citriculture in the Philippines.   Philipp. Bur. Agr. Bul. 27:71 pp.

——   1915.   Citrus fruits in the Philippines.   Philipp. Agr. Rev. 8:5-28.

——   1917a.   New or noteworthy tropical fruits in the Philippines, Philipp. Agr. Rev. 10:8-23.

——   1917b.   Additional observations on the citrus fruits in the Philippines.   Philipp. Agr. Rev. 10:104-15.

——   1924.   The food plants of the Philippines.   Third revised edition.   Philipp. Bur. Agric. Bul. 39:246 pp.

White, C. T.   1926.   A new species of Paramignya from Papua with note on two other Papuan Rutaceae.   Jour. Arnold Arbor. 7:231-33.

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